4 Types of Headaches

4 Types of Headaches

4 Types of Headaches

Did you know that there are actually 4 types of headaches? Anyone who lives with chronic headaches knows how annoying and painful they can be. Despite the inconvenience and pain, most headaches are not dangerous and are successfully treated with medication. Chemical activity in the brain, blood vessels, and nerves in your head and muscles in your head and neck contribute to creating the pain signals associated with headaches. If symptoms become severe or chronic, speak with your doctor about the type of headache you are experiencing. Together, you can find the proper treatment to treat and prevent headaches.

4 Types of Headaches - 

Occipital Neuralgia -  A rare headache that occurs when the occipital nerves are inflamed or irritated. The pain is jabbing and sharp or electric. Typically other symptoms include burning, throbbing, aching in the head, and intense pain behind the eye. Your vision may be sensitive to light, and you may have a tender scalp.

Cluster Headaches - These headaches tend to come in bunches over weeks. An average cluster can go on for 6 to 12 weeks. The pain is on one side of your head, often near or around your eye. It is severe and piercing, and it peaks within minutes. The affected side's eyes become red and watery, often have nasal congestion with a runny nose on that side.

Migraine Headaches -  A migraine can be moderate to severe pain. That is throbbing, pounding, or pulsing in nature and can involve vision changes, sensitivity to sound or light, nausea, and appetite loss. A migraine can last a few hours to many days and make people sensitive to light, smells, and sounds.

Tension Headaches - A dull, constant, non-throbbing pain that can make you feel as if your head is wrapped in a tight band. Tension headaches are brought on by tight muscles in your shoulders, neck, scalp, or jaw and are usually related to stress, depression, anxiety, or holding/ sleeping with your head in an unnatural position.

Most headaches are rarely a sign of something more severe, and most people can manage them efficiently with over-the-counter medication. However, anyone who experiences severe, persistent, recurrent, or worsening headaches should consult a doctor.

North Suffolk Neurology is a full-service Neurology, Headache Medicine, and Sleep Medicine practice consisting of dedicated, experienced staff committed to helping our patients and their families maintain and improve their health. For all in-office appointments & inquiries, please call (631) 364-9119.